Freddie Mercury Leaving Card

by Silky Rose Design

Send this Freddie Mercury leaving card to friends, colleagues, or family and let them know they will be missed when they go. Featuring an illustrated portrait of Freddie Mercury.

$7.95 AUD

Price includes free postage to the US, UK, Canada, Australia and most of Europe.

Price includes

  • Free postage within Australia, Canada, the UK, US & most of Europe.
  • A real stamp affixed to a beautiful kraft envelope.
  • The recipient's address written in the same style as the writing in your card.

Card Details

  • Card size: 125 x 175mm / 5 x 7″
  • Printed on environmentally friendly 320gsm, uncoated card stock.
  • Stock may vary by region and availability.

About the Artist

Silky Rose Design

Sarah Wilkinson

I'm Sarah - the artist behind Silky Rose Design. I live in the outskirts of London with my husband and two daughters. I began searching for a creative career after my first maternity leave, and finally took the steps to making it happen after having my second daughter. Silky Rose Design card design took off in February 2021, and I have cards on several online card sites and I am so excited to see where I can take it! 

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